Limits of application of Yukawa potential to fluid OCP plasmas

Do Xuan Hoi, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao

Tóm tắt

After a brief introduction to the Poisson – Boltzmann equation acquired for the one-component-plasmas (OCP), we carry out a careful treatment of the numerical data concerning the radial distribution function given by the Monte Carlo and the Hyper Netted Chain simulations for this kind of plasmas; especially, the weakly correlated ones. Based on some latest results for the screening potential at the near zero inter-nuclear distance, we propose the formulae to compute this potential by combining the Yukawa potential with a certain greater distance than a limit, called Debye-Hückel distance, and the Widom expansion with the lesser one. By this way, we show the limits of application of Yukawa potential to plasmas OCP.

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