Comparing the level, income and the contribution to houseold economy between non-emigrate laborers and emigrate laborers in the eastern ecomic zone of Tien Giang province

Huynh Pham Dung Phat, Kim Hai Van

Tóm tắt

In term of the level and income non  -  emigrate labor is lower than emigrate labor but  the contributions to household economy  is opposite.  This article  compares  the current state of emigration,  compare the  level, incomes and the contributions to household economy between  non-emigrate laborers and emigrate laborers  in the Eastern  economic zone  of Tien Giang  province  in
2015, and thereby proposes some measures to improve the quality of labor in the area.

Từ khóa

non – emigrate labor, emigrate labor, the Eastern economic zone, Tien Giang.

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