Screening potential at the crystallization point of ultradense OCP plasmas

Do Xuan Hoi, Phan Cong Thanh

Tóm tắt

With a very elaborate method, we verify the accuracy of the screening potential (SP) computed by the consideration of the short range order effect for the classical One-Component-Plasmas (OCP). We obtain a compact, effective form for the SP, useful for the computerization and find the exact value of Jancovici coefficient. The agreement between our formula and the Monte Carlo simulation data proves completely satisfactory. As a result, the calculation for this quantity can be extended by an extrapolation to the region where the crystallization of the OCP system is thought to appear and the expression for the SP at this phase change point will be presented.

Từ khóa

OCP system, screening potential, pair correlation function, Monte Carlo simulations, extrapolation, crystallization point, analytical formula

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