Vi khí hậu vườn nhà tại phường Tây Lộc, thành phố Huế

Lê Phúc Chi Lăng

Tóm tắt

The subject of this research is the effect of house gardenonmicroclimate, especially in the hot season with southwest foehn wind . The research is carried out by examining the vegetation structure oftraditional house gardens as well as new ones and their effects on microclimate. Monitoring results on some hot waves in 2017 shows that in the traditional  house garden, there are many vegetation layers, high LAI, etc, as a result, it lowered the temperature by up to 3 - 5 0C, the humidity is 6 - 14% higher as compared to the data of the Hue station; as for the new house garden, the survey data is not much different from Hue station. When it comes to the comfort temperature of hot season ranging from 29 to 29.5 0C, the temperature in the traditional house gardens has little difference than that of the new house gardens.

Từ khóa

ability, microclimate, traditional house garden, Tay Loc ward

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