Vo Thuy Linh

Tóm tắt

The article describes the experimental procedure of teaching English liaisons through English pop songs after 5 weeks of testing on 2 groups of students learning general English for adolescents (EFL), experimental and controlled groups. Each group consisted of 20 learners who are attending communicative English course at a foreign language of a university in Ho Chi Minh City. Materials for experimental were 5 English pop songs with exercises designed in the form of Cloze-Test exercises on the lyrics. Students listened to music while finding the correct answers containing the connecting sounds. Quantitative method was applied to collect data from pre-test and post-test; version-26 SPSS algorithms were used to analyze the data. From the results, the students' improvement of connected sounds has been demonstrated through the scores after the experimental. However, the study was limited by the absence of a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as the lack of questionnaires and interviews. Thus, future research should aim to address these limitations.

Từ khóa

Liaisons, pre-test, post-test, English pop songs, experimental

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Trích dẫn

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