Analytic expressions characterizing the damped oscillation of the radial distribution function in high density OCP plasmas

Do Xuan Hoi, Do Quyen

Tóm tắt

In this work, we show an elaborate study of the damped variation of the radial distribution function g(r) with respect to the interionic distance r. The analytic expressions of the positions as well as the values of the five extrema of g(r) are proposed for the first time, based on the most accurate numerical Monte Carlo simulation data for OCP system. The damping behavior of the function g(r) is also presented so that one can use it to determine the extrema of g(r) for crystallized plasmas with extremely high value of correlation parameter. These important results contribute to precise the screening potential in OCP plasmas by using the method of parametrization of the short range order effect.

Từ khóa

OCP system, Monte Carlo simulations, radial distribution function, damped oscillation, screening potential, analytical formula, short range order effect

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