Developing student teachers experience through critical reflection on placement

Bui Tran Quynh Ngoc

Tóm tắt

Critical reflection shows a great potential in enhancing professional practice and can be
considered as a vital  component of teacher training courses.  In the context of teaching placements,
critical reflection can act as an important lens through which students can interrogate, share and
compare their experiences. In agreement with Stephen Brookfield’s works (1995; 2005) which valued reflective practice as a mean of learning, this study applies critical reflection process to identify and analyse the ways student teachers have dealt with the incidents during their placement.
This data, combining with assessment of students after placement collected by Department of Training and research of other lectures at  Ho Chi Minh City  University of Education, can produce an informative resource about placement for teacher training program.  The findings of this study
might contribute to a better understanding of students’ placement experiences and then inform future curriculum improvement in teacher education courses of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education.

Từ khóa

critical reflection, placement, assessment, student teachers

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