The dependence of ionization probability and high-order harmonic generation of on internuclear separation

Phan Thị Ngọc Loan, Truong Thi Tran Chau, Nguyen Ngoc Ty

Tóm tắt

We present Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation approach for numerical calculations of ionization probability and high-order harmonic generation (HHG) intensity of hydrogen molecular ions  with large internuclear distance, exposed to an intense laser field. We find that the ionization probability and HHG are strongly dependent on the internuclear distances. The ionization probability is significantly enhanced in a certain range of nuclear separations. However, the HHG rapidly increases and then reaches to a saturation value with increasing internuclear distances.

Từ khóa

high-order harmonic generation, ionization probability, dissociation, internuclear separation, ultrashort laser

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