Quantum effect on enhancement factor of nuclear fusion reaction rate

Do Xuan Hoi, Le Thi Thuy Ngan

Tóm tắt

In this paper, we study the enhancement of fusion reaction between two identical nuclei under influence of ultradense environment adopting classical and quantum approach.

After verifying the high accuracy of the analytical expression for the screening potential (SP) using the short range order effect for the classical One-Component-Plasmas (OCP), we proceed to obtain a new formula for the enhancement factor of the pycnonuclear reaction rate by combining the above solution and the path integral Monte Carlo data.  This approach, considering at the same time the classical point of vue and the quantum effect, will allows us to have a more accurate result comparing with other works.

Từ khóa

OCP (One-Component Plasmas), SP (screening potential), path integral Monte Carlo (MC) data, analytical formula, pycnonulear reaction rate, quantum effect.

Toàn văn:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54607/hcmue.js.0.12(78).1519(2015)

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