Preparing and evaluating the antioxidant of an acid derivative from a monocarbonyl curcumin analog of cyclopentanone

Duong Quoc Hoan, Nguyen Quynh Chi, Nguyen Hien

Tóm tắt

The monocarbonyl curcumin analog derivatives of cyclopentanone have been interested since these have various biological activities. Chalcone 2 was a product of the aldol condensation between vanillin and cyclopentanone in moderate yield. The Williamson ether synthesis was employed to form an ester 3 form the chalcone 2 in good yield. The hydrolysis reaction of compound 3 was carried out successfully forming compound 4. Structures of new compounds 3 and 4 were determined with IR, NMR and MS spectra. Compound 4 was not against DPPH free radical.

Từ khóa

curcumin, monocarbonyl curcumin analog, cyclopentanone

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