Tìm kiếm đĩa tàn dư xung quanh các sao lùn kiểu phổ M-trễ nằm trong vùng lân cận Mặt Trời

Nguyễn Thành Đạt, Phan Bảo Ngọc

Tóm tắt

In this paper, we present our search for debris disks in a sample of nearby late-M dwarfs based on infrared data of the Wide Infrared Survey Explorer. Using archival data, we constructed spectral energy distributions of these targets to detect their infrared excess. We detected infrared excess only in one target. This late-M dwarf is an excellent benchmark for further study of disks around very low-mass objects.

Từ khóa

brown dwarfs, debris disks, infrared excess, planet formation, very low-mass stars.

Toàn văn:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54607/hcmue.js.15.9.2304(2018)

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