Extraction of the anthropogenic fibers in the atmospheric fallout in Ho Chi Minh City

Truong Tran Nguyen Sang, Tran Quoc Viet, Le Thi Minh Tam, Thuong Quoc Thinh, Emilie Strad, Kieu Le Thuy Chung

Tóm tắt

Up to present, there are only few scientific publications on anthropogenic fibers in atmospheric fallout. There is no well-documented protocol for isolation the fibers from the samples. In this study, two approaches for the isolation of anthropogenic fibers have been proposed. Protocol 1 is just done with only filtration step, without any treatment procedure. Protocol 2 includes several treatment steps before filtration (SDS, Biozyms SE & F, H2O2). Two Protocols have been conducted with atmospheric fallout samples taken in an urban location of Ho Chi Minh City. The filters from two approaches are then observed using a stereomicroscope. The stereomicroscopic observation shows that Protocol 2 effectively work for these samples.

Từ khóa

anthropogenic fibers, atmospheric fallout, microplastic

Toàn văn:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54607/hcmue.js.16.3.2461(2019)

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