Content based video retrieval system using principal object analysis

Bui Van Thinh, Tran Anh Tuan, Ngo Quoc Viet, Pham The Bao

Tóm tắt

Video retrieval is a searching problem on videos or clips based on the content of video clips which relates to the input image or video. Some recent approaches have been in challenging problem due to the diversity of video types, frame transitions and camera positions. Besides, that an appropriate measures is selected for the problem is a question. We propose a content based video retrieval system in some main steps resulting in a good performance. From a main video, we process extracting keyframes and principal objects using Segmentation of Aggregating Superpixels (SAS) algorithm. After that, Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) are selected from those principal objects. Then, the model “Bag-of-words” in accompanied by SVM classification are applied to obtain the retrieval result. Our system is evaluated on over 300 videos in diversity from music, history, movie, sports, and natural scene to TV program show. 

Từ khóa

Video retrieval, principal objects, keyframe, Segmentation of Aggregating Superpixels, SURF, Bag-of-words, SVM.

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