Factors influencing the microstructure and magnetism of iron nanoparticles

Nguyen Trong Dung, Nguyen Chinh Cuong

Tóm tắt

This paper studies factors that influencing the microstructure of the iron nanoparticles using Molecular Dynamics (MD) method with the Pak – Doyama pair interaction potential and aperiodic boundary conditions. Factors that influencing the magnetism using the Ising model with Metropolis algorithm. The results were analyzed through the radial distribution functions (RDF), the average coordination number, the size of particles, the energy and the relationship between magnetic moment and curie temperature. The results show that there were influences of factors such as the temperature, the phase state, the crystallization and the core radius of the iron nanoparticles on the microstructure and the magnetism of the model.

Từ khóa

Microstructure, magnetism, iron nanoparticles, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation.

Toàn văn:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54607/hcmue.js.0.12(78).732(2015)

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